Pep Talk April 15

This is your friendly reminder to:

  1. Remain a student — when you approach every day with curiosity and an eagerness to learn, your art journey (and life in general) becomes much easier and more interesting.

  2. Regain your sense of purpose — you may want to set aside some introspective time to remember why you started down the path you’re on. Was it for fame? For money? To help others? To make a difference? To feel happy? What was the core driving force? Go back to that as you forge ahead and you’ll feel a renewed sense of energy.

  3. Release your fear of judgment — bid it adieu because it’s only holding you back. It’s not the worst thing to be judged by others … they will judge you regardless of your best or mediocre efforts … what’s worse is letting the fear of being judged prevent you from trying what you want to do. Free yourself of that burden and create for yourself.


Pep Talk April 21


Pep Talk April 9